Get involved in just 5 minutes! A donation of any amount is truly appreciated and will help provide a special family with a reason to smile. Donations go towards covering the costs for the coffee table albums and the USB’s of images for families. By donating you directly help a special family hold on to memories of love, joy, and hope for years to come.
Donations are tax deductible and can be made via PayPal.
or via check mailed to
a little rae of hope P.O. Box 82 Danville, IN 46122* a little rae of hope is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that solely relies on personal and corporate donations and is managed by volunteers. Overhead costs & costs for creating professional albums for a little rae of hope families make up the majority of our financial needs. No amount donated is too small and is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to each and every individual and organization that has helped or contributed in any way. A special thanks to: